Sean Millar started his Urban Clean business in Perth North only two years ago. Already, he’s riding the growth wave, expanding his Urban Clean service across Perth.
Sean became an Urban Clean Regional Franchisor in in 2021 and once he realised the potential, he swiftly purchased another franchise in Perth South only two months later.
Today, Sean has 24 franchises across his regions which employ at least 50 people. With business so good, he’s had to employ a full-time State Manager and is currently recruiting sales reps to grow the business further.
In his second year of trade, Sean is earning 5 times what he earned last year – and counting.

“The Urban Clean business model fits my skill sets in sales, customer service and people management. The model is robust, secure and very well thought out, with the right approach to allow for fast, substantial growth and financial security in comparison to some other businesses. Damien Boehm offers a high level of support and leadership and is always making time to help improve my business with valuable advice,” says Sean.
Just as Damien Boehm passed on his toolkit on how to fast track your way to a successful business, Sean is now passing on the Urban Clean know-how and proven systems to all his franchisees in Perth.
Damien says good mentorship is key to succeeding in business, whatever the industry and whatever your level.
“I’ve always had the view that the best way to pull people up is also to say, ‘hey, this is what I’ve done, these are some of the mistakes I’ve made, these are some of my successes, and here’s how we can help you achieve that. Mentorship is a big part of our franchise system – it’s not just training and coaching, but also mentoring people and being their ongoing support,” says Damien.